1526 | Lang Dauphinet is born on the 4th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon in the Coerthan village of Sweetwell. |
1536 |
Lang is sent to the First Observatorium to become an apprentice astrologian.
Renonchet Dauphinet joins the Ishgardian army.
Lybek Weyr leaves the Fists of Rhalgr after awakening to the Echo.
1539 |
Renonchet drops out of the army. He joins a group of mercenaries in order to continue supporting his family.
1541 |
Renonchet is slain by Temple Knights in an attempted caravan raid.
1542 |
Lang completes his studies and becomes a junior astrologian.
After receiving a vision, Lybek begins assembling the Twelve's Scribes.
1545 |
Lang joins the Twelve's Scribes.
1547 |
Ser Sagrameric inherits House Leonguin.
1552 |
Lang meets Persil Briesanc in Ishgard, they get engaged.
1553 |
The XIVth legion begins attacking Ala Mhigo.
The Twelve's Scribes travel to Ala Mhigo, crossing paths with the newly formed Crimson Duellists.
1556 |
As the Ala Mhigan revolution builds, the Scribes dedicate more of their efforts to aiding people in need. Rumours spread that Lybek is an avatar of Rhalgr.
1557 |
The Scribes's hideout is raided by Theodoric's soldiers. Several members are killed, Lybek is captured and executed from atop the Divine Audience*.
King Theodoric is overthrown. Garlemald annexes Ala Mhigo.
Lang returns to Ishgard after forseeing Nidhogg's 8th reawakening. On his way home, he finds an orphaned Roegadyn child living alone in the wilderness*. He entrusts her to a group of Ala Mhigan refugees heading to Ul'dah.
The Azure Dragoon Alberic Bale defeats Nidhogg.
Lang meets Ser Sagrameric and joins House Leonguin*.
1558 |
Lang defeats the dragon Arvakr, but cannot bear to kill him, and instead uses a transformation spell to permanently transform Arvakr into a Hyuran man. The effort of the spell causes Lang to lose his magic.
Lang brings Arvakr back to Ishgard and gives him a new name and identity as Mikka.
Lang is knighted for supposedly slaying Arvakr.
Lang and Persil get married.
1559 |
Attien Dauphinet is born.
1560 |
Thordan VII becomes the new Archbishop of Ishgard.
1562 |
The Battle of Silvertear Skies.
1563 |
Ishgard withdraws from the Eorzean Alliance and closes its gates.
1570 |
Ser Sagrameric dies in a duel against a rival lord. Launcien de Leonguin, his only surviving heir, inherits his house.
Sagrameric's husband, Rossitor de Leonguin, temporarily assumes head of house duties until Launcien comes of age.
Lang is assigned to be Launcien's tutor.
1572 |
The Seventh Umbral Calamity.
1573 |
Attien learns the truth about Mikka's identity. He begins studying heretic magic in secret and working on a way to reverse the transformation spell.
1576 |
Attien successfully breaks the transformation spell. He drinks Arvakr's blood and they both escape to Dravania.
House Leonguin is purged for heresy. Lang survives his trial by combat and regains his magic.
Lang spends three months recovering from the trial. During this time, a chirurgeon named Alwin teaches him basic conjury*.
Persil joins the Inquisition.
Chenellain Dauphinet adopts his orphaned granddaughter, Saulie.
The Dauphinet family has to abandon their frozen farmland and move to Ishgard.
Lang leaves Ishgard and heads to Gridania. He is taken in by his old friend Naji, and joins the Conjurer's Guild.
1577 |
Lang joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Defeat of Gaius van Baelsar.
1578 |
Lang returns to Ishgard.
End of the Dragonsong War.
1579 |
The liberation of Ala Mhigo and Doma.
1580 |
Lang spends six months in the First. Only one month has passed in the Source to differences in the flow of time.
The Final Days are averted.
1581 |
Events of Dawntrail.